Code of Conduct

By registering to attend, you agree to be bound by this code of conduct, and any reasonable clarifications we make to it in the run-up to the festival. All participants in the festival, including committee, staff and contractors, and social and casual attendees, are expected to be familiar with and abide by this Code of Conduct.

The aim of this Code of Conduct is to build a safe, welcoming and respectful environment to all participants, and to ensure that conflict can be promptly addressed and/or resolved in a just and equitable manner for all involved.

All festival participants are responsible for their behaviour towards others. SIV has a zero-tolerance policy towards all forms of harassment, including but not limited to those outlined below. Harassment is not only unacceptable at the festival, but also illegal.

Harassment is any form of unwanted behaviour which offends, humiliates or intimidates, and/or creates a hostile environment. This includes bullying, sexual harassment, and discriminatory behaviour.

Examples of bullying include:

  • Abusive or offensive language
  • Aggressive and intimidating behaviour
  • Belittling or humiliating comments
  • Practical jokes or hazing
  • Unjustified criticism
  • Deliberate exclusion
  • Withholding information needed for participation

Examples of sexual harassment include:

  • Sexually suggestive comments
  • Unwelcome or inappropriate touching, hugging, kissing, cornering
  • Staring or leering causing intimidation
  • Intrusive questions about private lives or physical appearance
  • Sexual gestures or indecent exposure

Sexual harassment can happen from a person of any gender to a person of any gender.

Discriminatory behaviour is the less favourable treatment of a person on the basis of any actual or assumed characteristic, including sexuality, gender, disability, sex, race, colour, nationality, citizenship, ethnicity, age, intersex status, or religion. Examples of discriminatory behaviour include:

  • Offensive jokes
  • Derogatory comments
  • Insults
  • Intrusive questioning about relationships
  • Stereotyping
  • Exclusion

If you experience harassment during the festival or in connection to the festival:

  • Ask, or otherwise make clear, that you would like the behaviour to cease.
  • If the behaviour does not cease, or you do not feel comfortable explicitly asking for it to stop – speak to a member of Committee, the designated Equity Officers, or another person you think can help resolve the issue in a fair and equitable manner.
  • If the behaviour is deemed harassment, and does not stop following an attempt to resolve it, disciplinary action may be taken. This could include immediate removal of the offender from the festival, documentation of the incident being made available to AICSA and to future festival committees, or legal authorities being contacted.
  • All incidents will be treated with as much confidentiality as is possible and appropriate.

If you have been asked to cease a particular voluntary behaviour, please comply as far as is reasonable. If you feel that the request is unreasonable and is impeding on your right to exist freely and safely at the festival, please escalate the incident to Committee or to the Equity Officers.

To avoid conflicts of interest, if an incident occurs involving a member of SIV Committee or an Equity Officer, that person will be excluded from discussions and decisions except in their connection to the incident.

We expect participants not to report a breach of the Code of Conduct unless they reasonably believe a breach has occurred.

Alcohol Consumption Policy

We understand that participants over the age of 18 may wish to consume alcohol at camp and at designated social events. However, drinking to excess is inappropriate throughout the festival. At camp and at social events, there will always be designated RSA Marshals (including both committee members and designated trusted participants). If these people deem that you are drinking unsafely or are too intoxicated to continue and you are told to stop, their word is final. RSA marshals will have the full support of the SIV committee to make necessary decisions to ensure the safety of participants. This may include temporarily confiscating alcohol.

The possession or consumption of illicit substances is illegal and will be reported to the relevant authorities.

Chorister Participation

We expect singing participants to attend events in a state fit to participate (e.g. not attending rehearsal under adverse influence of alcohol).

Follow all reasonable instructions of the Committee or delegates of the Committee (including but not limited to the Musical Director, Rehearsal Accompanist, Stage Managers).